Journey to the Centre of the Mouth

Ok, so in the centre of the mouth is actually just air, but basically I’m studying to be a dentist

Hi. My name is Joash, and I’m a dental student in the University of Adelaide. I tried for 3 years to get into the National University of Singapore BDS Course, but was unable to even be shortlisted for the manual dexterity test and interview.

Having said that, I know that I really did the very best I could for A Levels. If I look back, there are only 2 very clear periods of my life that I gave everything I had.

The first being the year I took my GCE A Levels. I had no idea what I wanted to study, so I needed to do my very best to open as many doors as I could. Despite never knowing what it felt like to see even a B grade on my junior college exam papers, I finished school with an AAB/A.

The second time that I really put my 110% effort into what I was doing, was National Service. I decided before going in that I would make these 2 years worth it, since we all had to do it anyway. Little did I know that it would take me through a dark period of self-doubt as I became an officer cadet. I always felt that there were people who were more capable than I was, who should have been in my place. Those feelings never left even after I commissioned as an officer. As I took up my appointment as a Platoon Commander, I had to make that conscious choice every day to set aside those thoughts of self-doubt and be the best I could be for those who were placed under my care. I received my pink IC feeling bittersweet because despite how lizard-infested and harsh Mandai Camp was at times, the people had made it become a second home.

But there is a new chapter I’m entering now. Another opportunity to put in my all and finish with a deep satisfaction in my heart. As I go through these 5 years in dental school, I know it’s not going to be easy. There may be times when I feel inadequate, disappointed with myself, or stressed out to the point where I want to give up. Being away from home doesn’t help much either.

But deep down, I know that this is where I’m meant to be. I had been praying about what to study since I was 14, and God answered my prayer when I finally had to apply for a course. He closed the NUS doors and opened this one here in Adelaide. So buckle up, it’s gonna be one heck of a ride. Join me on my journey to the centre of the mouth.

That has to be the cheesiest ending. Never using that phrase again 😉

Smelly armpits

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