The First Exam

I just received my exam results for the first semester. For both my Clinical and Written Exam components, I was given a ‘Satisfactory’ grade, which is equivalent to 60% – 69% score.

I did leave my exams knowing that I probably won’t get an ‘Excellent’ grade, so I’m not too sure why I feel a pang of disappointment when my score coincides with my post-exam expectations.

Regarding the reason behind my results, I’ll leave that to future Joash to sort out with his studying methods and answering techniques.

As for understanding the disappointment I feel, I’ve come to 2 conclusions:


I expected more from myself. For the amount of effort I had put in, plus my knowledge of my own capabilities, a ‘Good’ grade would seem like the more likely outcome. But alas, maybe I was studying in Malaysian ringgit to take an exam in Singapore currency.


I’m so far away from home. School fees are so expensive. Couldn’t I have made it all worth it by studying hard and getting a good grade?

I told my dad about my grades, expecting a long lecture along the lines of how I need to work harder and not be complacent. But to my surprise, his first response was,” Don’t be too disappointed okay?” and shared about how he also did not do very well in his first year of university.

So here’s to Semester 2.

Study hard, cook smart and be a good friend to somebody.

These birds did not make it to Jurong

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